Phillips-ADHD Concepts, Theories, and Models
Psychological Concepts, Theories, and Models of ADHD Psychological When it comes to ADHD, there has been growing evidence from scientists that genetics and several genes have been linked to this disorder. Outside of genetics, there is the concept of there being anatomical differences in the brains of individuals with ADHD compared to other children without the disorder. Being that ADHD can typically begin during childhood, the anatomical differences have been studied on children. For instance, children with ADHD have reduced grey and white brain matter volume and demonstrate different brain region activation during certain tasks (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). There have also been further studies have indicated that the frontal lobes, caudate nucleus, and cerebellar vermis of the brain are affected in ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). Overall, the causes of ADHD seen from a psychological viewpoint focus on the areas of the brain and how well they are abl...