
Phillips- Legal and Ethical Issues

Legal & Ethical Issues for ADHD Legal and Ethical Concerns With ADHD being a well validated clinical diagnosis, it still remains a controversial disorder. With this being controversial, there is the continuing discussion of how the practice of ethical and legal are implemented within the clinical setting as far as diagnosis and treatment. Ethical and legal issues are important in determining how doctors should behave in offering a diagnosis or treatment that may generate strong and unpredictable reactions from children, their families, and other agencies (Foreman, 2006). Two areas that concern when it comes to the areas of ethical and legal concerns would be confidentiality and rights of consent. With confidentiality, the disclosure of information without consent may take place if there are concerns about child protection, lawbreaking, or harm to others, and there is also ‘‘catch-all’’ guidance that covers most situations where professionals need to communicate fort the go...

Phillips-Challenges of ADHD

  Challenges Within ADHD Challenges & Solutions ADHD can have many challenges for individuals ranging from childhood up to adulthood. It can be essential to understand the daily hurdles this population has to jump over in order to gain a better perspective of the person as a whole without unmindful judgment and also help find solutions to better assist them. With ADHD being a neurocognitive disorder, this includes a combination of persistent problems surrounding attention and hyperactivity. There are challenges such as having difficulty paying attention, being hyperactive in different settings and presenting impulsive behavior. Looking at these symptoms, there can be challenges that arise in multiple areas such as school for example. Individuals with ADHD can begin to show symptoms in early childhood and when looking at the symptoms such as a child not having the ability to concentrate in a school setting, there can be a challenge of that child having a hard time with understan...

Phillips-ADHD Concepts, Theories, and Models

Psychological Concepts, Theories, and Models of ADHD Psychological When it comes to ADHD, there has been growing evidence from scientists that genetics and several genes have been linked to this disorder. Outside of genetics, there is the concept of there being anatomical differences in the brains of individuals with ADHD compared to other children without the disorder. Being that ADHD can typically begin during childhood, the anatomical differences have been studied on children. For instance, children with ADHD have reduced grey and white brain matter volume and demonstrate different brain region activation during certain tasks (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). There have also been further studies have indicated that the frontal lobes, caudate nucleus, and cerebellar vermis of the brain are affected in ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). Overall, the causes of ADHD seen from a psychological viewpoint focus on the areas of the brain and how well they are abl...

Phillips- Perspectives of ADHD

Perspectives of ADHD   Olympian Swimmer Michael Phelps  Individual Perspective Michael Phelps, who is an Olympic swimmer is one of many individuals who was diagnosed with ADHD during his childhood. Being a child with ADHD was difficult for Michael, especially throughout his school years which he has spoken about. Symptoms such as not being able to sit still for a period of time or bouncing off the walls were presented by Michael which could be placed under hyperactivity criteria within the diagnosis of ADHD. Having these symptoms present was sure to make it more difficult with paying attention to schoolwork which is a challenge Michael had to work through with his disorder. In result of having the challenge with being what others would view as "overactive", he unfortunately had to face the constant judgment from others in school, even teachers would have a sense of judgment based on how they treated him. While it may be a new challenge for a teacher teaching a child with ADHD...

Phillips-Symptoms & Impact of ADHD

  Symptoms & Impacts of ADHD What are the typical symptoms of ADHD? ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is defined as an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021). Individuals who are dealing with ADHD typically have symptoms of inattention, meaning there may be difficulty with focusing on certain tasks such as schoolwork for example. There are others who may just experience symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity such as fidgeting while sitting in class. With there being people who may experience symptoms of either inattention or hyperactivity-impulsivity, there are individuals that can show symptoms in both areas. If someone were to be curious on what symptoms occur within each area, this is what that person could look for. Inattention Symptoms Overlook or miss details and make seemingly careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or during other...

Phillips-ADHD Introduction

Introduction to ADHD/What Is It?  Many people have probably heard of  ADHD but may not fully understand what this entails. ADHD has a proper term which stands for "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" and this is a condition that affects many people starting from children going into adulthood. There is the common stigma that an individual with ADHD is just very hyper and cannot stay still.  When looking further into this disorder, there is much more that others may not be aware of. Looking into the overview of ADHD, the common stereotypes with this disability and other factors such as cultural perceptions can hopefully bring more light to people who are dealing with this disability and for others to be informed before making assumptions.  To get a general overview of what ADHD is, there is a more detailed definition for those who truly do not know what it means. Attention-defici...